Industrial Acoustics - Noise Abatement
Noise abatement engineering involves noise measurement, ranking of noise sources, designing ways to reduce noise emissions, and applying noise isolation and noise attenuation methods to modify the propagation paths of the noise so as to reduce noise levels at receiver locations. Industrial noise control is often a key concern of architects, engineers, and facility managers of manufacturing and other industrial facilities. Not only does industrial noise impact those working in the faciliy, industrial noise and vibration transfer to the surrounding community. Additionally maintaining noise levels within an acceptable range of OSHA standard noise levels is a crucial factor for employee health and overall well-being.
Industrial Equipment Noise Control
We provide consultation to business owners, plant managers, engineers, safety officers, and others to mitigate noise generated by industrial equipment. Proper acoustical design and engineering is important in maintaining a safe and productive workplace. Our experience includes noise control and mitigation of noise attributed to manufacturing and processing equipment, such as compressors, pumps, presses, blowers, and such. We conduct industrial noise studies as well as noise modeling assessments to evaluate noise from existing or proposed equipment. Based on study and modeling conclusions, we engineer and design noise and vibration control systems and solutions. These solutions may include recommendations for sound curtains, barriers, enclosures, attenuators, baffles, and other applications, technologies, and materials—to reduce noise and meet community and OSHA regulatory and safety compliance standards. As independent acoustical consultants, we don’t represent any industrial noise control product manufacturer, supplier, or other service provider. Accordingly, our clients are assured our consulting recommendations are free from bias and focused only on the most effective and cost-efficient industrial noise control solutions for the issues at hand.
Typical Noise Control Projects
- Manufacturing noise analysis and reduction
- Air conditioning and ventilating noise control
- Reverberation & echo control in industrial spaces
- Environmental noise propagation and control
- Product noise diagnosis and quieting
- Highway noise and construction noise measurement
- Room-to-room noise isolation
- Sound level measurement and analysis
Typical Facility & Equipment Types
- Manufacturing plants, warehousing centers
- Refineries, gas plants, power plants
- Food processing, plastics products manufacturing
- Construction sites, salvage yards, highways
- Office buildings, schools, churches
- Aircraft parts & flight simulator manufacturing
- Transformer stations, compressor stations, centrifugal fans
- Test facilities, maintenance centers, car washes
- Rotating machines, compressors
- Metal fabrication, air coolers
- Transformers, flare towers
- Refinery heaters, leaf blowers
Typical Project - How We Operate
On a typical project, we will meet with you, make some sound level measurements, analyze the present situation and options, and prepare a report of our findings and make recommendations depending on your needs. We do not sell any products; but, we make recommendations for products that will best meet your needs and provide suggestions for where to find them.